Biden’s speech for UN general assembly
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## 2023-10-06
## Words
bore vt. 令人厌烦,
hollow 空洞的
verbosity 冗长
linchpin n. 关键任务,关键事物
grapple v. 搏斗,扭打,努力设法解决 ; n. 格斗,紧握,抓机
resurgent adj. 复活的,复兴的
solidarity 团结
tarnish 使..变灰 抹黑
exert vt. 施加
commandeer vt. 强征,征用
genuine adj. 真正的,名副其实的,真诚的 gene 基因
perpetuating v. 使持续,使永久化 adj. 永久的,不灭的
perception n. 感知 看法
indifference n. 冷漠 漠不关心
## Key Sentences
Biden gave a disappointing speech that bore the stamp of hollow verbosity.
The topic served as the linchpin for reinforcing alliances with select partners.
Washington's genuine interest in assisting these nations remains questionable,
Perpetuating a perception of indifference when it comes to supporting the world's most vulnerable populations.
Stunning Image of the moon
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## 2023-10-15
## Words
stunning adj. 惊人的
terrain 地形
hydrogen 氢气
oxygen 氧气
crater 坑
immerse vt. 沉浸在
rubble 瓦砾
asteroid 小行星
parachute n. 降落伞 v. 跳伞
spillage n. 溢出物
deflect v. 偏转
catastrophic adj. 灾难的
## Key Sentences
Stunning images from NASA show the Moon's south pole in incredible detail.
Experts at tehe space organisation were interested in the area around the Shackleton Cater because of the suspected ice deposits.
The ice deposit could serve as an important resouce for exploration because they are comprised of hydrogen and oxygen.
The Israel and Plestine War
## 2023-10-21
## Words
raging [ˈreɪdʒɪŋ] adjs. 严重的 v. 发怒
snatch [snætʃ] v. 抢夺 偷窃 n. 抢夺 偷窃
massacre [ˈmæsəkər] vt. n. 屠杀; 杀戮;
grievance [ˈɡriːvəns] n. 冤屈; 委屈; 抱怨; 牢骚; 不平的事;
maim [ˈmeɪm] v. 使残废; 使受重伤;
abduction [æbˈdʌkʃən] n. 绑架; 劫持; 诱拐; 外展; 外转;
pound [paʊnd] n.磅 v.捣碎; (心脏)狂跳; 怦怦地跳; 狂轰滥炸;
shell [ʃel] n.壳;(任何物体的)外壳, 壳体; 炮弹; v.炮击; 给…去壳;
hostage [ˈhɑːstɪdʒ] n.人质;
raid [reɪd] n.突袭; 抢劫; vt.突袭; 突然搜查; 偷袭; 劫掠; 打劫; 突击搜捕;
retaliatory [rɪˈtæliətɔːri] adj.报复性的;反击的;
infiltrated [ˈɪnfɪltreɪtɪd] v.渗透; 渗入; adj.渗透的;浸润的;
barrage [bəˈrɑːʒ] n.火力网; 堰; 水坝; 拦河坝;弹幕射击; vt.以密集火力攻击(或阻击);
poised [pɔɪzd] adj. (暂时)平衡,稳固; 准备好; v.保持(某种姿势); 使稳定; 抓紧;
siren [ˈsaɪrənz] n. 警报器; 汽笛; 性感妖女; 妖冶而危险的女人; v.引诱;鸣笛行驶
blare [bler] v.发出(响亮而刺耳的声音);
## Key Sentences
Amid bombings and bloodshed, innocent vistims raging accross Gaza and Israel contunue to suffer unimaginable horrors.
As the UN begged both sides to stop targeting civilians, fears were growing for thousands of people.
But any hopes of peace look a long way off as Israel contunues pounding Palestine and Hamas keeps up the shelling of its neighbour, resulting in a rising deatch toll.
Palestinian rocket barrages on Israel continued as sirens blared throughout Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
To cease-fire the Israel and Palestine war
## 2023-10-24
## Words
spark [spɑːrk] n. 火花 v. 引发; 触发; 产生电火花;
outrage [ˈaʊtreɪdʒ] n. 愤怒; 愤慨; 暴行; 义愤; vt.使震怒; 激怒;
resist [rɪˈzɪst] v.抵抗; 抵制; 反抗; 阻挡; n.防腐剂; 防染剂; insist v.坚持
stance n.立场; 态度;
constituency [kənˈstɪtʃuənsi] n.(选举议会议员的)选区; (统称)支持者; 选区的选民;
vow [vaʊ] n.誓言; v.发誓; 立誓; 起誓;
## Key Sentences
Rejecting truce demand sparks concerns over reelecction bid amid public outrage.
Biden has resisted calls for cease-fire, saying that Israel has a right to defend its citizens.
Some vowed not to support Biden's reelection as well as campaigns by other Democrats seeking office.
Leaning a language is a process
点击喜马拉雅-Reading Record 百度网盘
## 2023-10-30
## Words
calligraphy [kəˈlɪɡrəfi] 书法
fascinating [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ] adj.迷人的; 极有吸引力的; v.深深吸引; 迷住;
redicule [ˈrɪdɪkjuːl] n.嘲笑; 奚落; 讥笑; vt.嘲笑; 奚落; 讥笑;
## Key Sentences
Start seeing lanuage as a process, not as a finish line.
As is the case with driving, your goal with a target language should be to try to make it a habit.
It will become more and more effortless with time and practice.
As for your native language, do you feel upset, ridiculed, frustrated, inferiorized or even angry when you come across a word you haven't seem before? Of course not!
And appreciate the fact that you are devoting your time to an art that makes centuries to develop.
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